Hello everyone,
I hope one of you Exchange/Outlook users out there can help solve this
This has all started out by needing to turn off the "Something's
looking at your email addresses" nag box in Outlook 2003, in order to
get a macro written in Outlook 2003 to work properly.
According to what I have read and hopefully understood from Microsoft's
support documents ("Customizing the Outlook Security Features
Administrative Package" is that these nag boxes can be bypassed with
the Outlook Security Features Administrative Package.
I have set up a form in a folder called Outlook Security Settings,
which is a public folder. I have Administrator/Owner/Everything access
to it. I was able to successfully publish the form to the folder.
Whenever I try to make new settings for either the default or Exception
groups, I get an error when I try to save.
"The Access levels on this security setting cannot be saved, probably
because of an invalid password. This setting is currently set as a
default setting for all users. You should either delete the setting or
save it again, and type the correct password."
Invalid password?? HUH?? I was never once asked to enter a password,
not can I find a place in th form to enter one. Where is this coming
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I hope one of you Exchange/Outlook users out there can help solve this
This has all started out by needing to turn off the "Something's
looking at your email addresses" nag box in Outlook 2003, in order to
get a macro written in Outlook 2003 to work properly.
According to what I have read and hopefully understood from Microsoft's
support documents ("Customizing the Outlook Security Features
Administrative Package" is that these nag boxes can be bypassed with
the Outlook Security Features Administrative Package.
I have set up a form in a folder called Outlook Security Settings,
which is a public folder. I have Administrator/Owner/Everything access
to it. I was able to successfully publish the form to the folder.
Whenever I try to make new settings for either the default or Exception
groups, I get an error when I try to save.
"The Access levels on this security setting cannot be saved, probably
because of an invalid password. This setting is currently set as a
default setting for all users. You should either delete the setting or
save it again, and type the correct password."
Invalid password?? HUH?? I was never once asked to enter a password,
not can I find a place in th form to enter one. Where is this coming
Any help would be greatly appreciated.