Exchange recovery mode?


Iain King

Hi. I've just configured outlook to allow the shared contacts list to be
included in the address books, as detailed here:

However, now whenever outlook is started on the client computers a popup
appears which says: 'Exchange is currently in recovery mode. You can
either connect to your exchange server using the network, work offline or
cancel this logon', and gives me those option. Clicking connect works fine,
but I don't want this dialog to pop up every time. So what is exchange's
recovery mode, why is it in that mode, and how do I get it back?

Iain King


Iain said:
*Can anyone help? *

What version of Outlook are you running? An easy way to fix this i
most cases is to delete the mail profile from the "mail" icon whe
outlook is not already running, then recreate it. You have an old mai
profile for the same account cached onto that computer and it i
conflicting with a newer profile of the same name


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