Exchange to Domino Routing?


G. Dustin Snyder

Hello everyone.

I've looked high and low for help here, and while I'm sure I'm missing
something simple, I've not been able to find the answer I'm looking for.

We're (finally!) migrating from Domino to Exchange 2003 at my office. I've
managed to set everything up so that mail for migrated users (me) is
correctly routed from Domino to Exchange without error.

However, my exchange user (me) cannot route mail back to the Domino portion
of the office.

I've tried adding an e-mail address to my users in ADUC (using other IT
personaelle as guinea pigs) but can't get those e-mail addressed users to
show up in my global address book. Manually formatting an address as NOTES:
user@dominodomain doesn't seem to work either.

I'd *much* appreciate any help anyone might have in this field.

My users are resistant to change, even when they've requested it, so I'd
much rather migrate them in small groups then have to switch everyone over in
a single day if I can avoid it. That will only happen if I can route mail
back and forth however.

Thanks in advance. :)

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