Exchange2003/Outlook2003 perf problems


Anthony Smith

Good Afternoon,

I wasn't sure if this was a SBS issue or Exchange, so I'm posting to both. I
apologize to the MVPs if it's the wrong group posting.

We upgraded from SBS2000 to SBS2003 sometime within the last year or so. We
also purchase Office 2003 but didn't deploy it to all the users. Only 2
users have Office 2003 with Outlook 2003. I am one of those users and my
boss is the other. Outlook is slow, slow, slow. It hangs, communicates with
the server while doing basically anything. Please note I recently upgrade
all the service packs that I know of for SBS2003 & Exchange 2003. Now we've
tried using Outlook in Exchange Cache mode or the standard mode and it's
still slow.

NONE of our other users are having problems with outlook to the best of my
knowledge and they are running Office XP, Outlook 2002. Does anyone know
why we are having performance issuses with Outlook 2003 clients but no
problems with Outlook XP 2002 clients.

For example we can view an email, it hangs for maybe 10 secs then we can
view the whole thing. We can select a contact and open it, then it'll hang
for maybe 10 secs. We can have Outlook min. in the tray and work on
something else and when we click on it there is a delay of maybe 5-10 secs
and then Outlook will open. It doesn't matter what it is, there's just a
delay. It's really been doing this ever since we installed it along with
SBS2003. I don't understand what it could be, and I say again the Outlook
XP clients aren't having performance problems with Outlook/Exchange.

Is this just our problem or has others experienced this problem? Please
advise. Thanks!

Anthony Smith
In God We Trust!


There could be an issue with UDP packets but first, are you running in cached

Anthony Smith

Good Morning,

Thanks for the reply. I'm running in cache mode and the other 2003 client
(my boss) is running in standard mode. I've tried both ways on both
machines. My boss is way past frustrated. He wants it fixed! I've tried
everything I know. I actually posted months ago but I don't think I got any

Anthony Smith

Good Morning Ms. Roos,

Thanks for the reply. No I hadn't but I will.

Anthony Smith
In God We Trust!

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