Exchanhe 2003 - Junk E-mail folder - (online mode) question



After install SP2 for Exchange 2003 i have problem with Junk E-mail
No messages are moved into it.

I have read, that this server-side features work on 2 levels:
1) Gateway blocking working perfectly, all spam archived with SCL
(registry settings added).
2) Store DB, delivery of messages with SCL rating defined to Junk
E-mail folder.

But the settings for Junk E-Mail Folder does not work. Messages are
always devivered to Inbox. (using OWA or Outlook2003sp2).
I do not know how to read SCL rating of delivered message in
Outlook2003sp2 or OWA to be sure, that the SCL rating meets the
criteria to be moved to Junk E-mail Folder.
But I have high suspicion, that some messages should be in Junk E-mail
folder. After long time there were no message in this folder. (value
for SCL is 2)

The answer should be, that only Exchange Cached profiles support this.
We use online profiles, because of space required for user profiles
(many shared computers by many users, local caching is highly not

It is acceptable, that user Outlook setting not works for spam
But I do not understand, why is server-side setting ignored ...
a) server recieves message and it pass gateway SCL setting, so it will
be delivered
b) this message SCL says to be delivered into Junk E-mail Folder
.... now i suppose to be delivered directly to Junk E-mail folder (in
server DB), so if later on-line access (via OWA or Outlook2003sp2) is
established, it shows "state" of user's folders on Exchange2003 server
(included Junk E-mail folder)
No rules applied, spam should already be in Junk E-mail Folder because
of "Inteligent Message Filter" behaviour.

Am I so wrong? It is designed to work really with cached profiles only?
Should it be a unacceptable for exchange2003 to deliver messages with
defined SCL directly to Junk E-mail Folder? What about users which
using OWA only? I think the Junk E-Mail folder should work at least for

Many thanks for any suggestions or solutions.
Jiri Vlk

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