Exchaning a field with data from another



Here's my problem, I am an accountant, that is part of the problem I know.
I have a client who has data that comes out his software that has names
associated with the General Ledger Items, example Cost of Goods Sold, Auto,
Telephone and Meals. My software uses Numbers. I have a table that matches
up their Name with my number... Examples
QuickBooks PeachTree
Cost of Goods Sold 50500
Auto 61000
Telephone 84000
Meals 73500

The data from his check register is like this:

Check Date Amount Payee
7001 02/16/07 $159.95 Olive Garden Meals

I need to exhance the Meals for 73500 then I can import the data into my
software to generate financial reports.

Can anyone offer some guidience and suggestions.

When you do you your taxes make sure you take the one time credit of the
Telephone excise tax, it worth atleast $30 and as much as $60 depending on
your filing status and number of dependants

Thanks, Jess

Just Jess


Create a table with 2 fields one for the costcentre and one for the
description. Then create a query that links your clients data table to your
table and select the required fileds from both tables. the only thing you
will need to watch is if the description is ever wrong (i.e. a typo) as this
would leave the costcentre field blank.

The join should be a left join (i.e. show all data from your clients table
and only records from the new table that matches!

