exclude data already imported in excel


Ashley Bowles

As the subject says...
when importing a text file with more then 65536 records i get this message:
"the text file contains more data than will fit on a single worksheet. you
can import the rest of the data by repeating the import operation on another
worksheet and using the text import wizzard to exclude data already impotred
in excel"

but i carnt figure it out.

has anyone got the answer?


A spreadsheet is not infinite in size; it maxes out at 65,536 rows, so you
will not be able to get all of your data onto one worksheet. The message is
telling you that if you want to store the rest of your data you'll have to
put it in a separate worksheet (tab).

The way you would bring the rest of your data into excel (in the second
worksheet) is to open the second (blank) worksheet, then select the Data >
Import External Data > Import Data options, then when point Excel to the text
file. Then the Import Wizard appears, and provides you with the opportunity
to customize the import. Since you've already stored the first 65,536 rows
in the first tab you'll want to skip those rows and begin with row 65,537 in
this worksheet, so at the prompt "Start import at row:" you'll enter 65537;
you'll be able to store your next 65,536 rows in the second tab, and repeat
as needed.

A word of caution about performance in a spreadsheet this large - it's going
to be a bear, and be sure to save often.

Hope this helps...


I attempted to do the operation to continue my import on to the nex
worksheet, but I get the error "Integer is not valid". Office 200
importing text file with more line entries than 65535. I received th
message regarding the possibility of excluding data that was alread
imported, but I don't see the option available

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