dclarcq said:
Lynn, thanks for your reply. Maybe I should have placed this question under
New Users for my sake. In this report each record has 13 fields one being
named "proj-date". I would like the entire record to be invisible if the
proj-date field has no data.
Thanks again.
Since this is a Report, another approach would be simply to include in
the report only the records with non-null Date fields. That could be
done by making the data source of the Report be a Query with a
definition something like this:
SELECT [Mailing List].*
FROM [Mailing List]
WHERE ((([Mailing List].proj-date) Is Not Null));
Then, if only 5 records have "proj-date" values, only those 5 records
are in the report, and no fields need to be made invisible.
-- Vincent Johns <
[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.