Exclude Lines in the calculations on a spread sheet



I have a spread sheet where I show the days of the week in one line Monday
thru Sunday B3 thru H3, below that line, I show what the employee is supposed
to work B4 thru H4 , the line following that I insert what the employee
actually worked B5 thru H5. This work schedule if built for a six week time

Now at the bottom, I have a formula =COUNTIF(B2:O170,"REST") which counts
all the days in which the employee showed off rest. When I put the work
sheet together, I never thought about it counting the assigned rest days.

Question,, in the calculation, can I have it not count what is in lines 3
and 4, just add what is on line 5. This would be the same for the next week,
not count lines 6 and 7, but pick up the rest days on line 8, so forth for 6
months, or just count what is on every other 3rd line.


One approach would be to use slightly different ways for entering the word
In row 4 (containing the Supposed work details) enter the rest days as
In row 5 (containing the Actual work details) enter the rest days as "A-rest"
Then change your formula to:
Now only the A-rest's will be counted.
You can use any variation you wish, as long as supposed and actual rest days
are entered differently.
Regards - Dave.


Thanks Dave,, Good idea. I set it up that way,, showed s-XXXX for what the
man was scheduled to do, when we show what the man worked, will delete the
s-, it will give me the totals I need. Again Thanks..

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