Exclude random words



Below is the start of my formula:

=IF(OR(N4="Sick?",N4="FW",N4="LEFT",N4="Suspended"),0, ETC ETC

The problem is, sometimes N4 is populated with a different word than the
above. In that case, I want it to be excluded/handled the same wa as when it
would say FW or LEFT. The problem is, I can't use "greater than 0", cause if
there is a numerical entry in N4, no action is to be taken.

I'm dont know if this is possible or if I'm only dreaming. Thanks for any
input on this!

Mike H

If you are saying you could treat random words in the same way is if N4
equalled (say) LEFT then in reality all you are checking for is whether N4
contains text or numbers so does this work:-

=IF(ISTEXT(N4),"Do this for text","Do this for a number")



Hi Hendrik,

If you put this in B1 =IF(ISTEXT(A1),0,A1)
It will return 0 if A1 is text otherwise the numeric value of A1
Is that what you are trying to do?



If all the numbers are positive numbers..........


Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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