Excluding Certain Records from a report


Help IN

I am running a report that contains monthly calls to clients. All of our
contacts are listed in one table. Is there a way to exclude certain records
from the report, of people that we will not talk to but still leave them in
the table? Thanks

Carl Rapson

Help IN said:
I am running a report that contains monthly calls to clients. All of our
contacts are listed in one table. Is there a way to exclude certain
from the report, of people that we will not talk to but still leave them
the table? Thanks

You would need a field in each contact record to indicate whether or not
that record should be included in the report. Then, you can open the report
from a form with DoCmd.OpenReport (for example, in the Click event of a
command button) and pass a Where condition based on that field, for example:

DoCmd.OpenReport "MyReport",,,"[ReportThisClient]=True"

Carl Rapson

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