Becky in Pittsburgh
Is there any way to quickly and easily exclude members of a distribution list
in an email message without expanding the distribution list and individually
removing members? For example, say we have a DL (we'll call it DL1) of 1000
members and a sub-DL (DL2) that contains 200 members. We want to send a
message to DL1 minus the DL2 members that are in DL1. Is there any easy way
to accomplish this?
in an email message without expanding the distribution list and individually
removing members? For example, say we have a DL (we'll call it DL1) of 1000
members and a sub-DL (DL2) that contains 200 members. We want to send a
message to DL1 minus the DL2 members that are in DL1. Is there any easy way
to accomplish this?