Exclusive use only in Vista?


Bob W

I am having a problem running Access2007 in a multi-user configuation with
Vista OS. My frontend and backend files would not work as shared so I
created a simple one table db in the backend folder.

If I open the file containing only a table and edit a record, the other
computer cannot open the .accdb file. It just locks up. Open mode is set to
Shared on both copies of Access. Opening and editng a record works as
expected from either computer with the .laccdb file created when the record
is in an edit state and deleted when the file is closed. This occurs when
the table is edited from either computer so I'm pretty sure my permissions
are set correctly.

But try to view the table from one computer while the other has it in edit -
forget it! Needless to say, this is not very useful.

A posting here:


seems to imply this is a known bug in Vista but I could not find anything on
MSDN. This link has a reference on how to configure a shortcut, but this
occurs when I open the .accdb directly from Access.

Can anyone else confirm this problem or let me know what I am doing wrong

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