executing a query from pgm and getting less than total nbr of reco




I'm creating a query from the code, and then i execute this query from the
code, but I'm only getting 593 records out of 14,000 records. Yet , if I go
to the query in MS Access '02 (outside the code), I execute the created query
and I get the 14,000.

Any explanation ? I'm using DAO3.6

sample code below:
Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef("bb_temp_equity", sql)
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset()

vardata = Null

found_data = False
If Not rst.BOF And Not rst.EOF Then
vardata = rst.GetRows(50000)
found_data = True
End If

if found_data then
For k = 0 To UBound(vardata, 2)
end if

Chris O'C via AccessMonster.com

Use these commands to populate the recordset with all rows before using


Whatever you're doing with the array can probably be done faster and more
efficiently with a query, especially since you're looping through every row.

Microsoft MVP

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