exel conditional formula,calculate a bilateral tolerance(.2/-.2)?



,I need to set-up a conditional formula in excel , that is able to account
for possible bilateral tolerances, i.e., +0.20/-0.20.
For example: if I want to calculate a Upper Spec. of .20in +/- .005 I would
enter a formula to add upper tolerance to the Target spec. (.005+.20)In this
same way, I substract the enetered MIN. tolerance to the target to obtain my
Lower Spec.
However, What if my Spec. calls for a bilateral tol.: 0.00 in. +0.05/-0,05in.
The above formulation will not work.
Any ideas?

Jorge Arvizu.


..What if my Spec. calls for a bilateral tol.: 0.00 in. +0.05/-0,05in.

If I'm reading it right, something like this in say, B1:

should accomplish the required tolerance check
and return the result as either "OK" or "Fail"

Replace "LowerLimit" and "UpperLimit" in the formula
with the actual numbers, of course

Adapt to suit ..

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