Existing local base calendars will be renamed message



The message that pops up is: There is a problem with the calendar name. The
project you are opening has a local base calendar names tht match the names
of local base calendars in a currently open project. These include: ETS
Standard (Project Calendar) 1To presever the calendars and scheduling, the
existing local base calendars in the project you are opening will be renamed.

Nothing has changed (I'm the admin and haven't touched the calendars) but we
are now getting this message. Any suggestions?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Sally --

If this message is only in one project, then I would suspect project
corruption. Are you seeing this in all projects or just one? Let us know.



Did you by any chance edit the Enterprise Global with that (or any -
including the default blank plan when you open Project) plan open?

If so, then the calendar for that plan will have been copied into the
Organizer. Check the Organizer for a calendar with that name:

Close any open plans, including the default blank one. Tools ->
Enterprise Options -> Open Enterprise Global

Then click Tools -> Organizer -> Calendars

Unless you have custom calendars, the only one you should see here is

It might be an idea to check the 'Views' tab too, in case any local
views have been sucked into the Organizer.



Thanks Dale. We are seeing it in other projects. It just started yesterday.
The calendars were not modified.

Best regards,



This problem just started yesterday and has affected a number of projects. I
haven't modified the calendar for quite some time. I will check as you

Thank you!


Thanks for the suggestion. I followed up on your suggestion and find only
the Standard calendar and one customized for corporate use.

Thanks again.

amir d


we have the same problem, and trying to figure it out.
we think it has something to do with the fact that resource calendars are
changed in the enterprise resource pool (i.e, non-working time is changed).
you probably experience the problem with administrative projects only. could
it have somehing to do with server configuration or other admin prolem ?
to our knowledge, this problem also causes differences between project
tables and PWA views & OLAP cube tables.
try seeing MSP_CALENDARS for duplicate calendars per RES_UID - to my
knowledge, there should be only one raw (which is a base calendar, meaning
the field cal_is_base_cal should be zero), not lots of raws per proj_id and
res_uid --- so the other raws should be deleted directly from the database.
don't do it yet - i think you should consult with a Microsoft expert
regarding this problem.

good luck.


Thanks Amir. We did contact Microsoft. Their solution appears to have
worked but part of our final solution was to save the project as an mpp,
import the project in question to an up to date (all service packs and
patches) environment, export it back to project 2003 and then inport it back
into server.

Best regards,


amir d

hi Sally,

did Microsoft solution required a change in server configuration ?
i.e. - changing permissions to change resource calendars or local base
calendars ?
did it have something to do with removing the duplicate calendars from the
database ?


Hi Amir,

Yes, we did remove the calendar from the organizer. Here is the recommended
solution from Microsoft:

"We will set a Test Server by restoring the production database and setting
up with the Project Server front end to create a test instance. The details
of this are following:

1. Take a backup of the Project Server database and restore it with a
different name on the SQL Server.
2. In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, under the server name, go to
Security-Logins and give MSProjectServerUser and MSProjectUser accounts
access to the restored database. MSProjectServerUser should have public and
MSProjectServerRole and MSProjectUser should have public and MSProjectRole.
3. Download the Project Server 203 Editsite utility from
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=6dc2c83e-54e1-40a9-9bb8- 2dd293226b6f&DisplayLang=en
4. Install this utility on the Project Server and launch it.
5. Click Add to create a new site for the Project Web Access. Under the Site
Information tab, type the site name, leave the default Project directory, in
the Session manager, type the machine name running the Project Server
Sessions Manager service (by default, the Project Server machine).
6. Under the Database Information tab, give the SQL Server name, the
restored database name, for the MSProjectServerRoleMember user, type
MSProjectServerUser and its password and for MSProjectRoleMember, type
MSProjectUser and its password.
7. Click Create.
8. Once created, click on Test to confirm no errors exist."

There were a few remaining errors that were resolved with the export etc.
that I described above.

Best regard,

amir d

Hi Sally,

thank you for the help.
still, i didn't understand how the problem was solved.
what did you do after creating the test instance ?
did you make it your regular site ?
did you run more tools ?
and in general - how did it solve the local base calendars problem ?

again - 10x for the help,




We had a corrupted project and this was Microsoft's suggestion for the
corrupted project. We didn't think that it would work but it did but I'm
beginning to wonder whether your problem is different. Sorry to be of so
little help.

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