Exit Access On Close switchboard


Joe Leon

I created a switchboard with the switcboard manager.

First: I want only the switchboard to be displayed when opened. How do I
do this?

Second: When closing the switchboard either through the X or a button I
want a complete Exit from Access. How do I do this?



I created a switchboard with the switcboard manager.

First: I want only the switchboard to be displayed when opened. How do I
do this?

Tools + StartUp
Select the Switchboard in the Display Form/Page dropdown box.

To hide the database:
Remove the check from the Display Database Window box.

To bypass the startup settings if you need to, hold down the Shift Key
when opening the database.
Second: When closing the switchboard either through the X or a button I
want a complete Exit from Access. How do I do this?

Open the Switchboard form's Code window.

In the Switchboard code sheet, find the
Private Function HandleButtonClick(intBtn As Integer)
Case conCmdExitApplication
Case conCmdExitApplication

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