exit event


John Pierce

I have a form that has two text boxes that are initiated as follows::

Dim Tm As Date
Tm =

txtStartDate.Text = Format(Date, "mm/dd/yy")
txtStartTime.Text = Format(Tm, "h:mm AM/PM")

If I tab into the StartDate text box and type "1/22" (without the
quotes, of course) and then tab to the next field, the following
procedure runs:

Private Sub txtStartDate_exit(ByVal cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
txtStartDate.Value = Format(txtStartDate, "mm/dd/yy")
End Sub

and the text in the StartDate box changes to "01/22/06".

But if I type "8 a" in the StartTime box and then tab out of it, it
doesn't reformat even though there is a similar procedure for it

Private Sub txtStartTime_exit(ByVal cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
txtStartTime.Text = Format(txtStartTime, "h:mm AM/PM")
End Sub

When all data is entered in the form and other procedures are run, the
"8 a" is read and calculated correctly so there is no functional
problem. I would just like it to reformat it's appearance to reassure
users that they have entered what they intended. Does anyone know how
to fix this?

Patrick Molloy

Option Explicit
Private Sub txtStartTime_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
txtStartTime.Text = Format(txtStartTime.Text, "H:MM AM/PM")
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
txtStartTime.Text = Format(Now, "H:MM AM/PM")
End Sub

John Pierce

Patrick, have you tested your suggestion? Does it work for you? I have
tried to use it in my application but it doesn't make any difference.

John Pierce

With reference to the first post in this thread: What I didn't mention
in the description of the situation, because I had no Idea it was
significant, is that the two text boxes - StartDate and StartTime - are
inside of a frame, aka group box. This makes all the difference in the
world. If I change the tab order of the two text boxes, the StartTime
one will update on exit and the StartDate one won't. However, in either
situation, exiting whichever textbox won't update correctly in the
opposite direction, that is, with a shift+tab, will update it. So now
does anyone have a solution to this?

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