Expand/Collapse triangles active only when Link column shown



Version info: Mac OS 10.4.6, Office 2004, Entourage 11.2.4

Since upgrading to Office 2004, I like the way messages can be grouped
- as well as sorted - by the criteria represented by the various
enabled columns in the Message List pane. Sorting/grouping by subject
is a great way to simulate the now superseded Threaded view mode.

However, it appears that the expand/collapse triangles in the header
for each sorted group do not respond when clicked unless Links are
enabled in the Columns -> View menu. (These triangles are not to be
confused with the expand/collapse triangles in the hierarchical Folders
pane.) No other column fields appear to affect the behavior of
expand/collapse triangles. Links, significantly, is the first
(leftmost) column. Hmm...

Use of the keyboard left/right arrow keys to expand or collapse groups
always seems to work and is not affected by the presence of the Links

I notice that this bug was NOT present in Office X (Entourage 10.1.4)
which had a blank, dedicated column inline with the expand/collapse
triangles in Threaded view. In that version, expand/collapse triangles
respond correctly to mouse clicks.

I had never used Links and had that field hidden, and so I thought the
expand/collapse triangles were totally broken. I'll leave Links
enabled now in order to get expand/collapse triangles to work, but I
wish that the Link field ( as well as the equally unused Online Status
field) could be repositioned beyond the window boundary the way most
other columns can be.


Mickey Stevens

That's a known issue. If you really want to keep the Links column turned
off, you can still use the left and right arrow keys to expand & collapse

If you want to see this bug fixed, be sure to let Microsoft know. In
Entourage, go to Help > Send Feedback on Entourage. Otherwise, click on
this direct link to enter Mac Product Feedback:


Mickey said:
That's a known issue.

Known to whom? It doesn't appear in the list of known issues on
Microsoft's "Entourage 2004 for Mac Read Me" page. Is there master bug
list I can check next time before I waste half an hour carefully
documenting another "known issue"?

Mickey Stevens

Known to whom?

Microsoft's Mac Business Unit knows about this one.
It doesn't appear in the list of known issues on
Microsoft's "Entourage 2004 for Mac Read Me" page. Is there master bug
list I can check next time before I waste half an hour carefully
documenting another "known issue"?

Some of the issues that are known to Microsoft are documented on
<http://support.microsoft.com/>, but alas, not all of them.

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