Expand Conditional Formatting to all Rows



I cannot get my conditional formatting rule to apply to my entire data set.
My data are set in rows. I want the entire row to format (color fill) when
two specific cells within that row equal each other. I can get the single row
to work properly, but I can't see how to expand this formula down to each row
on my worksheet.

I have read several other posts regarding this issue but am still not able
to get it to work, can someone help me out?

Don Guillett

Have you tried using the format painter which is probably on your tool bar.
Looks like a paint brush


No I have not, and what would I do with this paint brush? I want to use
conditional formatting.


KKD, check this out as I think it may assist.

EXCEL 2007 take the following actions:-

1. Go into F 1 Help Facility and type in:-

conditional formatting

2. Hit the Search, "button".

3. There is a topic called:-

Conditionally formatted data: Examples and guidlines

4. Click on the above topic.

5. Opening the above topic there is a hyperlink about three quarters of the
way down the page called:-

Conditional Formatting Samples

6. Click on the above hyperlink.

7. A file will open.

Take a look at the Worksheet called:-


This is about:-

"Shade an entire row where several criteria must be true"

This seems to be what you want.

I have worked through this example myself and it is, "spot on".

Please hit Yes if my comments have helped.


KKD said:
I cannot get my conditional formatting rule to apply to my entire data set.

My data are set in rows.

I want the entire row to format (color fill) when two specific cells within
that row equal each other.

I can get the single row to work properly, but I can't see how to expand
this formula down to each row on my worksheet.


I'm actually asking a different question. How do I expand the formatting I
have to apply to each individual row?

I can get one row to work, but short of copying this 2000 times, I don't
know how to make this rule apply to each row.

Gord Dibben

In NameBox type A1:M2000 and hit Enter.

Then CF>Formula =$B1=$H1 Note the $ signs.

Format to a color and hit OK

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Apply the Conditional Formatting to the range.

KKD said:
I'm actually asking a different question. How do I expand the formatting I
have to apply to each individual row?

I can get one row to work, but short of copying this 2000 times, I don't
know how to make this rule apply to each row.

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