Expand to fit.


Manuel Murieta

I have seen the formatting property 'shrink to fit'. Is there a way to make
the cell expand to fit? For example I have a cell that concatenates
multiple cells in my questionnaire. Many times the amount of words in the
cell is too long for the length of the cell. I am using word wrap but I
have to physically enlarge the cell until I can see the last line of words.
My goal is to be able to print out all of the fields with all of the words
in the cells even if they do not show on the screen. I want the width of the
cell to remain the same, but only the number of lines printed to be
determined by the actual contents of the cell.

Gord Dibben


Usually Format>Row>Autofit is sufficient when wrap text is enabled.

When it doesn't work is if you have any "merged cells" in the row.

They will not Autofit without using VBA event code.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Manuel Murieta

Yes there is merged cells. What is the programming for the event code and
how do I go about doing that. Thank you.

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