Hi Se006,
I would like to create expandable text segments in word
2002 documents that appear as hyperlinks such as the terms
in the Office XP help files where a term can be clicked on
and it expands with a definition.
Word, itself, doesn't have this functionality. So you'd need
something that emulates the behavior, probably using VBA
code. What comes immediately to my mind would be to set up
the "hyperlinks" as Macrobutton fields. The "expandable" text
would be formatted as hidden, probably using a style.
Clicking the button (which executes the macro) would change
the formatting of the paragraph(s) immediately below to "not
hidden". This could be set up as a "toggle effect".
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jan
24 2003)
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