Expanded timeline



How do I add text to an expanded timeline shape using code (VBA for example).
What I am after is the cell name that I would need to use. Thanks

Paul Herber

How do I add text to an expanded timeline shape using code (VBA for example).
What I am after is the cell name that I would need to use. Thanks

you need to write to the shape's text cell.
However, this shape is protected against having text written to it,
and quite well protected !
You will also need to
a. remove the LockTextEdit protection
b. set cell IsTextEditTarget in the Group properties


you need to write to the shape's text cell.
However, this shape is protected against having text written to it,
and quite well protected !
You will also need to
a. remove the LockTextEdit protection
b. set cell IsTextEditTarget in the Group properties


Paul is a much more elegant about his solutions than I. What a man
with simple pedestrian sensibilities like mine would do, would be to
add a new Shape Data field to the Expanded Timeline shape that
contains the text you want to display. And select a text Data Graphic
to display it. That process can be managed with simple code.


Al Edlund

This is some stuff that I use. I keep some globals in the document code so
the different modules can get to them.

Public Sub InsertCylindricalInterval _
(Optional ByVal blnDate As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal blnText As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal intColor As Integer = visYellow)

' this is a group with three components
' there are two text boxes, one with a single text line and one with two
' the two text line object are the dates
' the single text line is the description

' prop.visType
' prop.visPercent
' prop.visName
' prop.visIntervalBegin
' prop.visIntervalEnd

' user.visShapeType = 11

Dim visApp As Visio.Application
Set visApp = Application

Dim visDoc As Visio.Document
Dim visMaster As Visio.Master
Dim visTL As Visio.Shape

Dim dblBeginDate As Double
dblBeginDate = CDbl(ThisDocument.tlStartDate)
If dblBeginDate = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim dblBeginTime As Double
dblBeginTime = CDbl(ThisDocument.tlStartTime)

Dim dblEndDate As Double
dblEndDate = CDbl(ThisDocument.tlEndDate)
If dblEndDate = 0 Then Exit Sub
If dblEndDate < dblBeginDate Then Exit Sub
Dim dblEndTime As Double
dblEndTime = CDbl(ThisDocument.tlEndTime)

Set visDoc = Application.Documents.Item("TIMELN_U.VSS")
Set visMaster = visDoc.Masters.ItemU("Cylindrical interval")
visApp.AlertResponse = 1

Set visTL = visApp.ActiveWindow.Page.Drop _
(visMaster, _
ThisDocument.tlPinX, _

' put the dates into the timeline
Dim visCell As Visio.Cell

If visTL.CellExists("user.visintervalbegin", False) = True Then
Set visCell = visTL.Cells("user.visintervalbegin")
visCell.FormulaU = dblBeginDate + dblBeginTime
End If

If visTL.CellExists("user.visintervalend", False) = True Then
Set visCell = visTL.Cells("user.visintervalend")
visCell.FormulaU = dblEndDate + dblEndTime
End If

If visTL.CellExists("prop.visname", False) = True Then
Set visCell = visTL.Cells("prop.visname")
visCell.Formula =
End If

' this is the transparency value
' turn off the date leave the description
ToggleIntervalVisibility visTL, blnDate, blnText

setIntervalColor visTL, intColor

visApp.AlertResponse = 0

End Sub

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