Expanding and contracting a table cell.


Tom Thompson

I have a fax cover sheet template that contains a table with several cells.
There is a TO: field that allows for only one name to be entered. Now the
users would like the ability to list multiple names in this field. When
multiple entries are listed in this cell, it naturally expands this cell and
pushed the other cells further down the page. The problem is that it pushes
the COMMENTS field to another page and really fouls up the format of the

My question is, how can I force the COMMENTS field to contract as the TO
field expands??

Or any other suggestions on how to accomplish this would be greatly


Jonathan West

Hi Tom

Is the Comments field where the main body of the fax is written? If so,
don't make it part of the table at all, but just let it be text below the
table. Then it will wrap to the next page if & only if there is enough text
to cuase that.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
MultiLinker - Automated generation of hyperlinks in Word
Conversion to PDF & HTML

Tom Thompson

Ahh.. simple. I think I was trying to overcomplicate things.

Thanks Jonathan!

A follow up to this and Im sure this is in the wrong group, but here it goes

Is it possible to have two tables reside next to one another on a page.
Can't seems to get this to work other than putting the tables in a text box.

Jonathan West

Tom Thompson said:
Ahh.. simple. I think I was trying to overcomplicate things.

Thanks Jonathan!

A follow up to this and Im sure this is in the wrong group, but here it goes

Is it possible to have two tables reside next to one another on a page.
Can't seems to get this to work other than putting the tables in a text

If you are using Word 2000 or later, then it is possible to nest tables,
i.e. insert a table inside a cell of another table. So what you do is create
a one-row two-column table, and insert a table inside each cell.

Alternatively, (and this works in Word 97 as well) you can create a section
of the document which has two columns, and place the first table in the
first column and the second table in the second column, separating them with
a column break.

(By the way, questions about tables are usually better directed towards the
group microsoft.public.word.tables)

Jonathan West - Word MVP
MultiLinker - Automated generation of hyperlinks in Word
Conversion to PDF & HTML

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