Expanding Gray Bar That Covers Excel Cells



In my excel application, I'm experiencing a gray bar along the top few
rows of my multi-sheet application. It's as if the lower edge of the
task bar expands downward to cover the first two or three rows of each
excel worksheet in the workbook. The contents of these rows are covered
by the expanding gray bar, so I lose access to essential hyperlinks and
command buttons that reside in the first few rows. The gray bar seems
to expand in a subtle manner and I haven't been able to identify any
particular event that triggers the expanded gray bar. To get rid of the
expanding gray bar, I must exit the application and re-enter the

My excel application relies on VB.Net to create a graphic user
interface (GUI) front-end.

Has anyone experienced this problem or a similar problem in the past?
If so, what course of action did you take to eliminate the expanding
gray bar permanently? Thank you for your time and attention.

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