Expanding timephased data consequences?


Conrad Santiago

I want to be able to read timephased data in the database views. My
understanding is that in order to do that, we must check the "Expand
timephased data in the database" box in the Options / Save tab.

After reading this in the help file describing this option:

"Expand timephased data in the database
Specifies whether Project saves timephased data in a readable format in the
Project database. If you clear this check box, Project will write timephased
data to a database in binary format, which allows for faster reading and
writing of data. By default, this check box is cleared. "

I am concerned that once I check this box on our projects, it will explode
the time it takes to Open and Save projects; possibly even while working in

Am I correct in my assumption? Has anyone experienced a slowdown in
performance after checking this option?

We are in MSP Server 2003, if it helps.

Thanks in advance for any comments.

Conrad Santiago

Ray McCoppin

You are correct in your concerns. For the most part the timephased data is
available in the MSP_VIEWS_XXXX_TP_BY_DAY tables and you don't need to check
Expand Timephase data option in Project Pro. The MSP_VIEW tables are
populated by the publish process and you need not do nothing to make this

As for the performanace issue yes check the timephase expand will slow it
down some but very little from that I have seen. More offern large project
with multiple baseline over long periods of time are the biggest performance

Hope this helps.

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