I have a database on network. Its now getting late and I
need to replicate the database and make some changes to
the tables in the back end. I have one user logged into
the database from a remote location, causing the database
to lock. I need to expel the user from the application,or
close it on their terminal so I can make esign changes. I
have an LBD Viewer, but do not have the capability to boot
a user. Can anyone help me?
need to replicate the database and make some changes to
the tables in the back end. I have one user logged into
the database from a remote location, causing the database
to lock. I need to expel the user from the application,or
close it on their terminal so I can make esign changes. I
have an LBD Viewer, but do not have the capability to boot
a user. Can anyone help me?