I followed your instructions. There was NO .dot file in startup folder; I did
a search for "*.dot" files and there are only 2: FineReader6.dot in
c:\Program Files\AbbyyFinereader 6.0 and, in each user (4) with an account on
this computer [Me, me-non administrator, my son and guest], such that
c:\documents & settings\suzy\application data\microsoft\templates (where
suzy is any one of the 4 account names). I uninstalled an old OmnipagePro 9.0
and deleted every stray OP file I could find. I don't know what else could be
caere corp.
But in trying to clean up, I made the problem worse. Now I get the same
macro security message 6 times (what virtually always happens when I try to
figure these things out):
Now, in addition to the security message aboutC:\Program
now repeats for
contains macros by
Microsoft Corporation
Could I solve this problem by uninstalling word completely and reinstalling
it from the distribution disks (Office XP (professional) Version 2002? I read
the FAQ page, but nothing seemed real relevant.
This is driving me crazy. I have Medium security set. Low isn't
recommended, but seems the only way to get around some of the problems.
I really appreciate your help (even if you don't want to pursue this).
I've been struggling with evolving technology from my niche in the
humanities since the early 80's w/ my compupro s-100 bus system. I loved cmp
and Wordstar! I hate having to waste time using a mouse. So these error
messages really get to me. Another defect: I can't let go of a problem til
it's solved. But I just can't stay abreast. Thanks again.
Jay Freedman said:
The probable cause is an add-in installed by an old Caere product,
probably an OCR program. Look in Word's Tools > Options > File
Locations dialog to find the location of Word's Startup folder, then
close Word. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the Startup folder and
look for a template (.dot file) that looks like it came from Caere. If
you can narrow it down to one, then move it to another folder (or
delete it, since it isn't doing you any good). If you can't tell which
one it is, start moving files out of Startup one at a time and
restarting Word each time, to see which one causes the message.
This general problem of startup messages is covered in section 4 of