Exploiting PDS?



I was wondering if someone could point out a good reference source for
information covering the full capabilities of PDS?

I would like to integrate Project Server 2003 capabilities; however, I need
to identify scenario where I can bypass Project Professional's OBDC
connection to the SQL server; however, still provide the ability to create
and edit enterprise projects.

I've only seen a handful of related inquiries, but it appears there has not
been much success or domain experience related to PDS. That said I envision
that this will be a daunting task; however, I would like to better understand
the implications of going down this road.

Thanks in advance.



Thank you for responding. I've spent some time over the last few days
trying to become educated about PDS. I am very new to this product and I'm
probably making it more complicated than it is, but my understanding is that
the rich client, Project Professional, is still required.

For example, during the project create PDS listed on MSDN the article states
that the project will still need to be opened in Project Professional for
certain features to work. (Reference article:

My main goal is to have this application working across the internet and
neither opening ports, VPN, nor Terminal Services are options in my scenario.
From your perspective, am I attempting the impossible?

BTW -- When does the your 2003 book hit the market?


Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)

I'd like to believe that nothing is impossible; but you're certainly deep
into the impractical and very likely approaching the "it's not worth it"
zone. I'm not the best person with whom to discuss development issues as I'm
not a developer. You might try bantering this topic at
microsoft.public.project.developer. Greater dev minds are available in that


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the book on Project Server



Hi Woolpainter,

If I am interpreting your needs correctly, you are trying to eliminate
the need for Project Professional to communicate with Project Server.
You want to capture those calls and replace them with PDS calls

While not impossible, this would require a lot of effort. The PDS
interface was built to support PWA, not Project Professional. Project
Professional communicates directly with the SQL Database in order to
add/update/delete project plan information. Hijacking this process
would be and reworking it would require significant effort.


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