Explorer closing before Item Add event fires??



I have some VB code which I have recently started to modify and am getting
some wierd behaviour I cannot debug - I wonder whether anyone can suggest any

In the live version of the app, I trap the AppointmentItem_Write event, then
the AppointmentItem_Close event, then the Items_ItemAdd event. This is all
working OK.

In the modified version, the Write & Close events are trapped OK but the
Items_ItemAdd event appears to never fire - immediately after the Close event
code completes, the Explorer_Close event fires for no apparent reason! The
mods I have made must be the cause, but I can see no explanation in any of
those changes...

Thanks for any thoughts!

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Do you mean Inspector closing? Why would an Explorer close if you trap
events for an Inspector?

You're going to have to show what code you're using and modifications you
made. I can't see any reason for an Explorer to close based on the
information provided.


Thanks for responding Ken.
I do mean the Explorer_Close event; I am trapping that in order to tidy up
when the user has finished with the Calendar. But I can't see why the
Explorer window is closing - I have not closed it either in code or manually.

I have posted the current code and a screen dump of a VSS diff to

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/elizabeth.walter/Calendar Code

if you can be bothered to have a quick look I'd appreciate it!

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

I don't see anything offhand that would cause the Explorer to close, and
I've never seen that in any of my own code.

I'd say you're going to have to check very carefully to see what was
modified and step the code and see what's happening where. See what code
line or lines are causing the Explorer to close.

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