Explorer Information bar driving me nuts



Every time I "preview in a browser" the Explorer Information Bar pops up with
the "To help protect your Security, Internet Explorer has restricted this
file from showing active content that could access your computer" message.
I've tried to get rid of it by changing the myriad of custom settings under
the Security Tab of Internet Properties, but without results.
Using Front Page 2003 with XP pro.
Any help with this would bbe greatly appreciated!!

Thomas A. Rowe

You are only getting this warning message because your are viewing the page from a disk-based
location. If you view the page via http you would not see this warning message.

Under IE, goto Tools | Internet Options| Advanced tab, Security and enable " Allow active content to
run in files on My Computer"

Changing this setting will allow ANY HTML file on your computer that has any type of scripting to
run when you click to open it IE.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Don't know if Thomas's suggestion worked for you. I also have same problem
and it has not worked for me.

Here is a long explanation of the problem and suggested fixes.


The last fix (Use another Browser) was my only solution after trying all the
others. Firefox works great for "Preview in browser" and eliminates the
Information bar problem.

Good luck.


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