Explorer option to open folders in same window not followed by Gro



Is there a way to set Groove to open a folder in the same window for file
sharing workspaces?

Personally I find this annoying because I have set that option for Explorer
and Groove apparently likes to do its own thing. Interestingly enough if I
start out in a non-Groove folder and navigate to a Groove file sharing folder
it follows the Explorer option. But if I start out in Groove, say by opening
a workspace from the Launchbar, then when I double-click on a folder, another
window opens. It seems to be related to whether or not the Groove Folder
Synchronization Explorer Bar is active or not.

Is there a some place where this behavior can be changed?

Frances Selkirk [MSFT]

I don't see this behavior using Groove 2007 on Windows Vista. What Groove
version and Windows version are you using?

Kevin Swan

Oops! Should have remembered to include that. Anyway it is XP SP3 with
Groove 2007.

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