Export a report in HTML automatically


Frank B

In VBA, I want to Open a report (no problem), but then I
want to Export the report in HTML to say "D:\Myfolder,"
and call it "MyReport.HTML". I thought this would be easy,
but I'm stumped. Is there a way to do this without putting
code into the report's "On Activate"? Thanks for your
reply.... Frank


Which version of Access are you using? I'm still using Access 97 and it's
easy to export a report (as long as you don't want to keep lines and stuff -
that's an MS Access 97 problem) by highlighting the report in the Database
window and selecting File=>Save as HTML. You can create a special file that
Access will read as a template and insert the report where it finds the
<!--AccessTemplate_Body--> tag.

Are you looking for a way to automate this? You could create a macro,
couldn't you?


Frank B

Thanks for your reply. I am using Access 2K. I need to
run and export/save this report as HTML from the click of
a button without manual intervention. I know how to do
everything except programatically:
"EXPORT the Report as HTML using a provided path and
I thought this would be easy, but (for sure) I thought
someone would offer an embarrassingly simple solution.
The more I know, the less I know :)

Thanks for any help or clues.... Frank

Frank B

It is NOT the Report I want to export as HTML... It is
the data the report generates I want to save as HTML. I
guess I was not clear on that point. Thanks, again.....

Frank B

is exactly what I needed. Why this is called EXPORT on
the menu bar, and OutputTo in VBA is beyond comprehension.
At the very least Help searches on Export, could have
advised and would have been thoughtful.

Now, when you run OutputTO the screen flickers with
progress windows, and SetWarnings does not suppress them.
Any idea how to do that? ... Frank

PS: Running Access 2000

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