Is there any way to programmatically export an Access report to PDF format via code?
B Barbara Cherekjian Nov 25, 2003 #1 Is there any way to programmatically export an Access report to PDF format via code?
M Mark Andrews Nov 25, 2003 #2 Sure checkout our web site for a variety of ways to create pdf files and distribute them to your users. For example: Result = RPT_CreateSingleFile("rptExample", "C:\Reports\Report1.pdf","PDF","WHERE Salary > 50000") Creates a pdf file called report1.pdf running rptExample passing in a where clause. Mark RPT Software
Sure checkout our web site for a variety of ways to create pdf files and distribute them to your users. For example: Result = RPT_CreateSingleFile("rptExample", "C:\Reports\Report1.pdf","PDF","WHERE Salary > 50000") Creates a pdf file called report1.pdf running rptExample passing in a where clause. Mark RPT Software