Export an Import Specification


Emma Hope


I needed to make a large number of changes to a very complex database we
use, so i took a copy and made all the changes in that. I have exported the
changed tables, queries etc back into the original database. However i have
come across a problem.....i set up & saved a large number of Import
Specifications in the copy database to import delimited text files....can i
get these to copy across to the original database or do i have to recreate
every single one.

The are several complicated reasons why the changed parts have to be
exported back into the original i.e. not just overwrite the original (which
has around 3000 queries alone) with the new copy database.

Thanks for your help!

Chris O'C via AccessMonster.com

In the orig db, File > Get external data > Import. Choose your copy db file
name, click the import button.

Click on the "options>>" button. Deselect relationships. Click on
import/export specs and the ok button.


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