export as web page does not work



First, I think I am using Publisher 2002, at least that is what the details
say under the help menu in publisher. And I was wondering if I can download
Service Packs for Publisher 2003?
Beyond that, when I export as web page filtered, once as companyname.htm and
then again as index.htm, the ftp site has both the htm and two support files
but the only page that comes up without squares and little red x s is the
home page.


Pub 2002 made some big changes from 2000, and one of them is that you have
to name the index.htm file. Also you should download and install the service
packs as per the following article: "Web Publication Changes Made in Version
2002 of Publisher":

You will also need to delete all your old files off the server before you
upload the new ones.



I downloaded SP 3 and attempted to install it on my computer but it had
already been applied. When I upload my site to the ftp server here are the
steps I take:
Delete index.htm, index_files folder, aircare.htm and aircare_folders.

Then I export as web page/to ftp site/httpdocs/Save as index.htm (web page
filtered). The index.htm and the index_files show up in httpdocs.

Then I repeat the process saving as aircare and I have two htms and two
support files like I should have. The problem is that only the home page
shows up without the little x and square.

The site is up using publisher html files but those are slow as you probally


In your original post you talked about installing the service packs for
Publisher 2003, but said you are running Pub 2002. Go to Help, About
Publisher and it should say what SP has been installed. If you don't have at
least SP1, then you should download and install the Office XP service packs,
not Office 2003.

Sorry, buy I have no idea why you are creating two different sets of HTML
files. Where did you see instructions that say to create the aircare.htm and
aircare_folders? Can you explain to me why you have the aircare files...

You say that you have the site up...please post the URL. It is confusing
when you say the site is up and slow loading, but that only the home page
shows up "without the little x and square"....what do you mean by that? Does
you site work when you do a web preview?

Its possible that if you have successfully uploaded the index.htm and
index_files folder, that you have all the files on your site, but that your
images are simply too large and are slow loading. If that is the case, you
will need to resize, reduce and optimize your images for the web before you
insert them into your Publisher document. There are many third party image
editing programs that you can do that with, even some free ones. If you
don't have anything already on your computer Adobe Photoshop Elements is one
of the best you can buy if you want to spend only around $100.
http://www.irfanview.com/ is a good freebie.

Answer the above questions, and post your URL and we will see if we can help
you further.



I put two htm files and two support files on my ftp site because I thought I
had to.

lamarflyingservice.com I export as web page to a local folder twice, once as
index.htm and once as lfs.htm and then copy the contents of the folder (4
items) and paste it on my ftp inside http/docs. This is where my site does
not display correctly after my home page.

aircareinc.us I saved as webpage (the publisher html) to a local folder
twice, once as index and once as aircareinc then copy those 4 items (two htm
and two support files) onto the ftp server. This site works correctly but
you can tell it is slower and it loads odd or different.


I see no need to double up the files at this point. Just use the index.htm
and index_files folder. If you come across the reference that gave you the
idea that you needed both, please post back. I would like to read it.

If you click on http://lamarflyingservice.com/index.htm you are taken to
your first site. If you click on
http://lamarflyingservice.com/lfs.htm it takes you to a duplicate site. It
is better to use the index.htm files in that browsers will look for an
index.htm or a index.html file as the default file in any particular folder.
Try clicking on http://lamarflyingservice.com/ and you will notice it will
open the index.htm file site. Interestingly in IE if you look at View >
Source the code doesn't seem to indicate that this is a Publisher site...did
you produce these two sites with a different application?

Anyway, to continue, I see that your home page loads ok, but you have errors
in the banner and the line under it on other pages. I am guessing this is
because you are overlapping the images on the pages where you get the
errors. Try running the design checker under tools, and see if that helps
you spot your overlaps. Bottom line is I think you need to move the line
down from under your banner (the nudge tool is great for this) along with
the "menu box" and other content, and generally check the spacing through
out the document. You might need to move the images out of the "menu box"
and just insert them below the box if adjusting the spacing doesn't help.

http://aircareinc.us/index.htm also takes you to your second site. Once
again I see the second set of HTML files as redundant. This page loads like
a Publisher website, and the source code shows it is a Publisher website.
That strange way of loading the text is just the way Publisher does it. It
appears that all the pages load just fine. Run the Design Checker again for
suggestions on spacing and any design errors that Publisher might find.

The images are somewhat slow loading, and the only workaround with Pub 2002
if you want to embed the images, and not import them, is to optimize them
for the web before you insert them into the document. Use one of the image
editing programs I suggested, or one you already own, and resize each of
your graphics to approximately the final size that you want in Publisher.
Also resample to 96 dpi. Learning about how to optimize images is pretty
important to someone that is building a website, so some time googling for,
and reading articles that you find on "optimizing images for the web" will
be time well spent. To get you started, there are a couple articles on this

I don't really see any big problems with either of your sites. Unless there
is some other reason for it, don't waste your time with the second set of
HTML files. Run the design checker and fix the spacing and overlap problems,
and I would imagine both sites will look fine. I would also suggest that you
delete all the old files on your we host server before you upload new
files...will prevent conflicts.

If you have other questions, please post back.


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