Export cell data to a template in Word



Good Morning All,

I have worked with macros in Excel before and with the help of this
discussion board managed to make some very complicated stuff work.

Now, I have a different problem...

I have data in an Excel sheet and based on that data I must compile a report
in Word.

The sheet is structured as follows:

Criteria - Company A - Company B - Company C

Info 1
Info 2
Info 3

Is it possible to create a macro to take information from each criteria and
each company and export that information to a template in Word (Basically
filling in the blanks). If it is possible, where should I begin?




Good Morning All,

I have worked with macros in Excel before and with the help of this
discussion board managed to make some very complicated stuff work.

Now, I have a different problem...

I have data in an Excel sheet and based on that data I must compile a report
in Word.

The sheet is structured as follows:

Criteria - Company A - Company B - Company C

Info 1
Info 2
Info 3

Is it possible to create a macro to take information from each criteria and
each company and export that information to a template in Word (Basically
filling in the blanks). If it is possible, where should I begin?



Yes, no problem at all - something like

Dim appwd As Object
On Error GoTo notloaded
Set appwd = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set appwd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
End If
appwd.Visible = True
On Error GoTo 0
With appwd
.documents.Add Template:="Path and Name of Template"
'now fill out the document
appwd.activedocument.bookmarks("Whatever").Range.Text =

end with
set appwd=nothing

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