Export chart as tiff



Can anyone tell me how to export an Excel chart as some
sort of high-resolution picture (like a TIFF file)? I
have Excel 2002/XP...


Jon Peltier

Jen -

I don't think it's any better resolution than the image on the monitor,
but you can export a chart using VBA:

ActiveChart.Export "C:\Temp\MyChart.tif", "TIF"

Depending what's installed on your system, you can export to a number of
image types, including TIF, BMP, GIF, PNG, and JPG (don't use JPG, it's
designed for photographs, and makes line art look bad).

If you're not into VBA, download John Walkenbach's Chart Tools (free
from http://j-walk.com). One of its features is a chart exporter.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions


THANK YOU! This tool is exactly what I need, especially
since I am not too familiar with VBA. I'm keeping your
code handy, though, for the future.

Thanks again,

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