Nino Alvarez
Perfectly unable to export VFP(6.0) tables from VISIO
2002. have update drivers, MDAC, VFP-Patches as well as
Visio. solved problem writing dBase instead of VFP
tables. When exporting I get the following error message:
ODBC Error: S0002
[Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]File does not exist.
Have tried unckecking .NULL. option from ODBC setup. No
change. Condition replicates in various machines.
2002. have update drivers, MDAC, VFP-Patches as well as
Visio. solved problem writing dBase instead of VFP
tables. When exporting I get the following error message:
ODBC Error: S0002
[Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]File does not exist.
Have tried unckecking .NULL. option from ODBC setup. No
change. Condition replicates in various machines.