Export db scheme from Visio 2003 to Access 2003



I have read numerous posts that state you must have Visio vs.net version in
order to create a db schema in Visio and export to MS Access. These posts
have not clearly stated which version of Visio this applies to (i.e.
2003/2002, etc.). I currently have the Professional version of Visio.

I have also read on the internet, instructions from exporting using the
macro contained within Visio 2003 (Tools>Macros>Visio Extras>Database Export

I have noticed that my Visio version has this function and have tried to
export the schema to a new db but when I open the Access db, only one table
has been created. Within this table are fields titled Width, Height, Angle,
FlipX, FlipY, PinY... etc. rather than tables that resemble my db schema.

What is going on here? Is Visio 2003 able to export schemas to Access?

If not, is it true I need Visio vs.net version and if so, where do I go to
obtain this version (I have tried Microsoft.com but there is no information
concerning this version)?.

If it is, what I am doing wrong in exporting?

Microsoft has done a terrible job explaining this functionality of Visio
2003 and I hope that this is corrected in the future.

Thanks, Art

Al Edlund

It appears you have read them all correctly.
Database export wizard applies to exporting the current drawing to a
database, not a database model.
To forward-engineer (ie export a database schema) you require an enterprise
architect version of visio, not professional.
There is only one currently supported version of visio for forward
engineering v2002, and v2003 (which is v2002 renamed).

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