export & import




I have an MSP file that might be corrupted.
I would like to copy it to a new file.
I do not want to use copy - paste in order to try to get rid of the
corrupted feilds, if there are any.
is it possible to do it by export and import to and from excel? is it
different from regular copy paste? I tryed to do it but I got
different dates (this is an ongoing project with more then 1000 tasks)

any other way? how can I check quickly why I have differences in the
project dates?


Ben Howard

You could export and import to XML, I've done this a couple of times with
corrupted files in Project SEerver.

Jack Dahlgren

You can try exporting to XML and then importing it.
I'd do that first. Exporting to excel will only export data and can be an

-Jack Dahlgren

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