Export Mac Mail to CSV Using Apple Mails Export Feature

Jul 29, 2024
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Apple Mail provides an option to export emails in MBOX format, which can be converted to CSV later. One of the simplest ways to export Mac Mail to CSV is by manually exporting Mac Mail to CSV Using Apple Mail’s a spreadsheet.

Steps to Export MBOX and Convert to CSV:

  1. Open Mac Mail and select the mailbox you want to export.
  2. Go to File > Export Mailbox and save it as an MBOX file.
  3. Use a Third-Party MBOX to CSV Converter: Download and install an MBOX to CSV conversion tool.
  4. Upload the MBOX File into the converter.
  5. Convert and Save as CSV.

Drawbacks of This Method:

  • Requires additional software to convert MBOX to CSV.
  • Some converters may not retain email formatting properly.
  • Manual efforts are needed for bulk conversion.
If you need a hassle-free method, consider using MigrateEmails Apple Mail Backup Tool, which can directly export Mac Mail to CSV.
Sep 11, 2024
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Mac Mail (Apple Mail) stores emails in .mbox format, but if you need to export them to CSV for easy data handling, then you need third-party software. It can save time to use the BLR MBOX File converter because Mac Mail does not enable straight CSV output. This program creates a structured CSV file by extracting data from emails such as the sender, topic, date, and content. Technical and non-technical users can also use this tool to convert MBOX files to CSV format. Get the free demo edition of this tool to learn more features and functions.

Convert MBOX Files to CSV.png

Also Know: How to Convert Thunderbird to PST?