Export map or Analyze Timescaled data



I would like to draw an S-curve to track the progress for my project. I am going to export data to excel and draw the curve there. I need to export the task/summary task names and timescaled data for at least Actual Work and Basline Work. As far as I can see I have three possibilities and attached questions
1. Use File - Save As - MS Excel: Is it possible to include timescaled data using the MS Project Export wizard? The advantage by using this method is to create and "export map" so that it is easier to do the operation over again "next week"
2. Use Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel wizard: Is it possible to make a "map" from this wizard so that I don't have to go through the whole wizard each time
3. Copy and Paste directly from a customized view in Project (probably the easiest and best) to Excel: Is it possible to get "Baseline Work" in the right part of the Project view; timescaled values in the same way as Actual Work and Work etc.

I will greatly appreciate your response!

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Thomas,

The Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel add-in is obviously the easiest way to
create S-curves in Excel. You can't use a "map" to memorise the data
exported to Excel, but these fields are no more than 3 : BCWS, BCWP and

Gérard Ducouret

Thomas said:
I would like to draw an S-curve to track the progress for my project. I am
going to export data to excel and draw the curve there. I need to export the
task/summary task names and timescaled data for at least Actual Work and
Basline Work. As far as I can see I have three possibilities and attached
1. Use File - Save As - MS Excel: Is it possible to include timescaled
data using the MS Project Export wizard? The advantage by using this method
is to create and "export map" so that it is easier to do the operation over
again "next week".
2. Use Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel wizard: Is it possible to make a
"map" from this wizard so that I don't have to go through the whole wizard
each time?
3. Copy and Paste directly from a customized view in Project (probably the
easiest and best) to Excel: Is it possible to get "Baseline Work" in the
right part of the Project view; timescaled values in the same way as Actual
Work and Work etc.?


Thanks :) a follow-up question
I don't wast cost, I want hours, so I set Tools-Options-General - General Options Deafult Std. rate to 1,0, but still the cost fields show 0,00 Do you know what's wrong

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Thomas,

That's not really wrong : it will be efficient for the resources you'll
create in the future.
But the resources already created keep there old rate. So you have to set
all the resource rates to 1.

Gérard Ducouret

Thomas said:
Thanks :) a follow-up question:
I don't wast cost, I want hours, so I set Tools-Options-General - General
Options Deafult Std. rate to 1,0, but still the cost fields show 0,00 Do you
know what's wrong?

Mike Glen

Hi Thomas,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Have you tried Tools/Macro/Record New Macro... give it a name and then go
through all the wizard steps? It could save you some effort, particularly
if you put the macro on a tool button.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <http://www.mvps.org/project/>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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