export multiple tables into one XML file

  • Thread starter Nathan Maertens
  • Start date

Nathan Maertens

I would like to export multiple MS-Access objects into a single file (I
presume that HTML/XML would be the appropriate format?). This file would be
used as a back-up of the database, thus I don't have to keep a copy of the
database, which would take up more disk space.

It should be possible to then import this file back into the database to
retrieve the backed-up version.

I woul greatly appreciate any assistance that any one could give me!!!

Nathan Maertens

John Nurick

Hi Nathan,

1) Access's built-in export facilities don't extend to doing this, but
you could write VBA code to generate the necessary XML ... and to import
from the XML subsequently.

2) XML tends to be very verbose and you can't take it for granted that
an XML representation of the contents of an mdb file will be
significantly smaller than the mdb file itself (especially if you
compact the mdb).

3) Even if you achieved a 50% saving in disk space, so what? The largest
possible mdb file is 2GB, so the largest possible saving would be 1GB -
or a matter of cents at today's disk prices.

On Fri, 8 Jun 2007 01:34:59 -0700, Nathan Maertens <Nathan

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