Export multiple tasks from OneNote to Outlook at once


Samuli Karevaara

Is there a way (or a free plugin perhaps) to export multiple tasks from
OneNote 2003 (SP 1) to Outlook 2003 at once?

Currently I'm creating Outlook tasks one by one from my OneNote todos,
but it's a bit slow, specially as they are separate items (between
OneNote and Outlook, not synching their state I mean) so I have to
somehow remove the tasks (or mark as done) from OneNote to keep on top
of things.

Samuli Karevaara

Erik Sojka

I am not aware of a way to transfer To Do items into Outlook en masse,
and I agree that using both Outlook and OneNote for tasks can be a

As a workaround, what I do is once I transfer something to Outlook, I
flag it as complete, and also add an additional note flag I created
called "Transferred to Outlook" to the note item. This way, the
reminders, scheduling, etc of that task can be done in Outlook (where the
tools are better suited for it anyway) and I don't have to worry about
double-booking it in OneNote.

Checking the task as complete in OneNote ensures that it does not appear
in the Note Flag Summary Task Pane as something I still have to do, and
if I do need to follow up on something that was sourced from a OneNote
item, I can tell by the "Transferred to Outlook" flag that the "real
story" of what I did with that task can be found in Outlook.

Believe me, one of the frequently requested features here has been better
and smarter integration with Outlook. I know the engineers at MS are
aware of this request.

Samuli Karevaara

Thanks for your comments. This is pretty much a similar workaround than
what I did, I changed the todo-flag to something like "archived" also.

I'm trying to work with OneNote and Outlook in a way that in OneNote I
have tasks I do next/today, others I transfer to Outlook. Specially, as
you point out, because OneNote is missing task deadlines, reminders and

Samuli Karevaara

Ps. My organization is using Groupwise for mail and calendar, so I have
to bounce in three programs, so better integration is on my wishlist
too, to cut this down to two programs. Then an organizational switch to
Exchange :)

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