Export of Time-phased resource usage data totaled by resource grou


Matt Collins

I am using MS Project 2003

I am trying to chart resource usage info in excel but using resource groups.
Example: I have 40+ resources in three groups, Design, Production,
Instalation. I want to chart all three group totals by day/week/month on the
same chart.

Currently I copy and paste the day by day resource usage info for a 6month
period into excel. Then I remove the work units (hrs) using find and replace.
Then I sum up the totals for each resource group and finaly hide the
individual resource rows before charting.

Surely there is an easier way to achieve this?
Could I do this if I upgrade to Project Server etc.

Can anybody help or sugest other ways of achieving this outcome. Many thanks
in advance

Kind regards

Matt Collins


Matt Collins said:
I am using MS Project 2003

I am trying to chart resource usage info in excel but using resource groups.
Example: I have 40+ resources in three groups, Design, Production,
Instalation. I want to chart all three group totals by day/week/month on the
same chart.

Currently I copy and paste the day by day resource usage info for a 6month
period into excel. Then I remove the work units (hrs) using find and replace.
Then I sum up the totals for each resource group and finaly hide the
individual resource rows before charting.

Surely there is an easier way to achieve this?
Could I do this if I upgrade to Project Server etc.

Can anybody help or sugest other ways of achieving this outcome. Many thanks
in advance

Kind regards

Matt Collins

Usually there is always an easier way than using copy and paste. Have
you tried the utility "Analyze timescaled data in Excel" found on the
Analysis toolbar? It will not export the timescaled data in the groups
you have but you can filter the Resource Usage view by group and then do
three exports.

Another option is to write a VBA macro to export all the data you want
in whatever groups you want and then format or chart it in Excel. This
is the most versatile approach but it does of course require some
experience with VBA.

Project 2007 has added some very welcome new features for creating
reports of Project data in Excel. If upgrading to Project 2007 is a
possibility, you might want to download a trial copy and try it out.

Project MVP


Hello Matt,
It is a classic problem. Have you looked at the Analyze Time Scaled Data in
Excel option. It doesn't allow much flexability but it is worth looking at
first. It is a shame that Microsoft hasn't incorporated the flexability
into the standard product to allow the user to export any field that lives in
MS Project. I suggest you look on Woody's watch and purchase the VBA
Programming for Microsoft Office Project. It actually contains the VBA that
will let you export the time phase data in 12 month increments. I have found
it to be a useful tool.

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