Export question



My trial is nearly over and I'm about to purchase.

However, there one functionality I can seem to find in OneNote. Is it
possible to export One Note to a CSV (or Excel) or other types so I can:
(1) use One Note to layout and test organization of content for a web
portal, and then export my completed organization tree
(2) export so I can convert OneNote a data base.

For any Treepad users, I'm trying to interface the two. I'm spoiled by
Treepad, with all its export options. But, as an information gatherer and
researcher/writer, One Note is truly the software I've been looking for for

I'm worried that OneNote may not provide the export options I need --
putting data into other formats.

Related Question:
Are Dual versions of Office installations possible?
With Vista, I use Office XP. But need to upgrade to Word2007 because of One
Note needs, e.g., ON-to-Blog. Only issue is the hope I can keep 2 Word
version installations, since I don't have the time to relearn Word in its
2007 incarnation. I'm too much of a power user to make a dramatic shift.

Ilya Koulchin

Aaron said:
However, there one functionality I can seem to find in OneNote. Is it
possible to export One Note to a CSV (or Excel) or other types so I can:
(1) use One Note to layout and test organization of content for a web
portal, and then export my completed organization tree
(2) export so I can convert OneNote a data base.

There isn't a builtin way to export OneNote data to any heavily
structured format (due to OneNote's lack of structure), however, you
could write an addin to look for specific patterns of data and do
something with them.


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