Export Resource Loaded/Time Phased Data to Excel


Jim Aksel

Project produces two items of interest (1) Task Usage view delineating time
phased hours/dollars/BWCS, etc and resources for each Task. (2) A Work
Report showing the same items (Report: Work Load/Task Usage).

When I attempt to export this data to Excel using the Export features in MS
Project 2002, the resulting spreadsheet automatically totals the items for
all resources and rolls them up to the task level. I do not want the

What I would like to see (in Excel) is a task list with each individual
resource spread underneath it with time phased data .... exactly how it shows
in project. How?


Jim Aksel said:
Project produces two items of interest (1) Task Usage view delineating time
phased hours/dollars/BWCS, etc and resources for each Task. (2) A Work
Report showing the same items (Report: Work Load/Task Usage).

When I attempt to export this data to Excel using the Export features in MS
Project 2002, the resulting spreadsheet automatically totals the items for
all resources and rolls them up to the task level. I do not want the

What I would like to see (in Excel) is a task list with each individual
resource spread underneath it with time phased data .... exactly how it shows
in project. How?

First just a clarification in your first paragraph. The Task Usage view
does NOT show resources for each task although it sure looks like it.
What you see is task and "assignment" data. Some may say it's a fine
point but then Project is full of fine little details like that. For a
more detailed explanation of what I just said, you might want go to our
MVP website at: http://www.mvps.org/project/faqs.htm
and check out FAQ 51 - Date Types: Task, Resource and Assignment.

Ok, now down to answering your question. The only way you are going to
replicate a Project view in Excel is with a custom VBA macro. Short of
that you can get close with less "adventuresome" methods. It isn't clear
how you are doing the export but I'm guessing you are using an export
map. Simple export maps will only export Project's static data, that is,
an export map will not export timescaled data. For that you can use the
utility/add-in "Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel" which can be found on
the Analysis toolbar.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

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