Export Specifications - Where are they in Access 97? - HELP!!



Hi there,

In Access 97, i have a database that requires more fields adding to a
tables. I data from these table are exported to .txt comma delimited file
and i need to edit the Export Specification (TransferText) specified in my
macros that export the data.

I am having all sorts of problems and i cannot find where i can EDIT current

Thanks and hope you can help

Thanks in advance


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Allen Browne

Use the Text Import Wizard to get to the specs.

1. File | Get External | Import

2. In the File Open dialog, select Files of Type text (lower combo).

3. Select the file. Open.

4. When the Import Wizard starts, click the Advanced button.
You can load/save the import spec there.


ok, thanks for that, thats what i was trying before, but no text (.txt,
..csv) option!!
I have installed it now from Data Access (Office97) CD

Thanks again,

Thanks in advance


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