Export table to XML programmatically



Hi, I'd like to know how to write a program which similar to the new feature
in Access XP, where user is allowed to export table (or query) to XML file.

Thanks in advance!!

Juan Paulo

See this example taken from one Book of Rick Dobson
(Advanced Programming in Access - Microsoft (c))
The most important is the "adPersistXML"

Sub ForShippersSave()
Dim rst1 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim varLocalAddress As Variant
Dim int1 As Integer

'Open a recordset on the Shippers table in
'the current project
Set rst1 = New ADODB.Recordset
rst1.Open "Shippers", CurrentProject.Connection, _
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

'Make a new .xml file based on the table
varLocalAddress = "c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\pma10\" & _
Kill varLocalAddress
rst1.Save varLocalAddress, adPersistXML

'Clean up objects
Set rst1 = Nothing

End Sub

Rick Brandt

gan said:
Hi, I'd like to know how to write a program which similar to the new feature
in Access XP, where user is allowed to export table (or query) to XML file.

Here is some code I started on about a year ago. I don't have access to my
finished module at home so I want to emphasize that this is _very_ basic and
would need a lot of fleshing out. It is a starting point though. It uses DAO.

The biggest thing it would need added is a separate function I called
ProcessDataForXML(). You basically need to pass all values being output to the
file through that function to properly escape all illegal characters in XML.
There are quire a few characters that are not allowed in XML and they either
need to be replaced with an escape sequence or stripped out of the data
altogether. You can do a web search and find the list of characters pretty

This produces what I call "tabular XML" where each row in the table is a node
and each value is a parameter in that node.

Function TableToXML(TableName As String, Optional Filter As String)

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Dim db As Database
Dim MySQL As String
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim fld As Field

MySQL = "SELECT * FROM " & TableName
If Len(Filter) > 0 Then
MySQL = MySQL & " WHERE " & Filter
End If

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(MySQL, dbOpenSnapshot)

If rs.EOF = False Then
Open "C:\" & TableName & ".xml" For Output As FreeFile
Print #1, "<?xml version=" & Chr(34) & "1.0" & Chr(34) & ">"
Print #1, " <" & TableName & ">"
Do Until rs.EOF = True
Print #1, " <ROW>";
For Each fld In rs.Fields
Print #1, fld.Name & "=" & Chr(34) & fld & Chr(34);
Next fld
Print #1, "</ROW>"
Print #1, " </" & TableName & ">"
End If

On Error Resume Next
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Close #1
Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Egress
End Function


Hi, but I saw the content (or XML format) is different than the output been
exported using access XP. And this will cause me a problem if I try to
import back to another database. Any idea??


Hi, originally I'm using this method but I found that it takes too long time
to process (ps: I've up to few hundreds records in the table). That's why
I'm looking for alternative. Any other idea? Thanks

Rick Brandt

Gan said:
Hi, originally I'm using this method but I found that it takes too long time
to process (ps: I've up to few hundreds records in the table). That's why
I'm looking for alternative. Any other idea? Thanks

I don't understand that. I've used it against tables with thousands of
records and it has always been almost instantaneous for me.

Kyle Burns


Gan said:
Hi, but I saw the content (or XML format) is different than the output been
exported using access XP. And this will cause me a problem if I try to
import back to another database. Any idea??

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